Dog-Friendly Plants

Are you a plant lover? Do you know which plants are good for your pup or might hurt it? Find out what plants are suitable to coexist with your dogs as some plants can be very toxic for their health. You should plant the right greenery in your backyard or inside your home to establish a harmonious coexistence. Dogs do eat some plant parts when they feel ill or discomfort.

Here is a list of plants to avoid to make your backyard/garden a safe haven for your dog:

  • Chrysanthemum: These plants are harmful to your dog as consuming them can cause the loss of moving coordination in your dog. 
  • Carnation: These plants can cause minor discomfort to your pup in their gastrointestinal tracts so you should avoid having them in the same space as your dog.
  • Daisy: This plant contains certain species that contain very dangerous toxins for your dog. Make sure your dog is away from that.
  • Iris: Iris plants come in many different colours and may look very beautiful in your garden, but their smell can cause symptoms like drooling and diarrhoea.
  • Lily of the Valley: This plant is very poisonous for your pup and can cause serious problems like vomiting, heart arrythmia and even death.
  • Peony: This plant causes excessive drooling and diarrhoea in your dog which can weaken them significantly.
  • Dahlia: Eating petals from this flower may cause your pup gastrointestinal issues and dermatitis.
  • Geranium: These plants are responsible for rashes in your pets, and consumption can cause low blood pressure, lethargy and loss of appetite.
  • Aloe vera: This plant when applied to the skin works wonders, but if it is consumed it causes vomiting, diarrhoea and lethargy.
  • Boxwood: An evergreen plant, it is also very dangerous for your pup. Consumption causes dehydration due to severe vomiting and diarrhoea.

Now that we have talked about the don’ts of the plants, here are some that can be beneficial for your pup:

  • Chamomile: This plant can be very beneficial for your dog as they help reduce stress and anxiety in your pup. It also helps in their teething, and their wounds heal faster after all the running and jumping around.
  • Fennel: It is good for digestion in your pup.
  • Dandelion: It is very beneficial for your dog’s kidney health
  • Rosemary: It is a very good plant that helps your dog grow healthy skin, and is anti-bacterial, antifungal and antiseptic.
  • Sage: This plant is very good for keeping your pup’s digestive tract in good order.
  • Parsley: It is good for dogs as it maintains their body pH levels, and is a preventative measure against a lot of diseases.

We hope you found our list helpful. Do you know if there is anything missing from our DON’T and DO lists? Let us know.

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