Jogging with Your Dog: Pros and Cons

Your dog is your best companion as they will go through everything with you in life. They are more of a family member to you and you need to take care of all their needs, whether it is their food, shelter or health.

When it comes to health, regular exercise and activity are important for the growth and development of your pet. One of the most active ways to keep them healthy is jogging. However, there are different pros and cons of jogging with your dog. Let’s have a look:


Health benefits

The first and the foremost benefit is that your little one stays happy and healthy, grows well and achieves all the milestones according to its age. A healthy dog would accompany you for a longer time as they feel energetic and active. Especially, the grown-up dogs need the jogging sessions as their bones get older and the movement stimulates the muscles. Lack of activity could make them lethargic and the muscles also get stiffer. 

Strong Bonding

When you go out with your pet for jogging, it creates a particular sort of bond. They feel connected with you and realize that you love and care for them. Also, you get a time out with them to talk and share with them your leisure time. Jogging does not only keep them healthy but it strengthens your bond with your four-legged friend too. 


Jogging together with your pet will make them familiar with the surroundings. Socialization is crucial for dogs as they get used to being around other people and animals. They will get to enjoy the company of fellow animals and will feel emotionally satisfied. Besides, it enables them to cope with other things like cars and vehicles in public. 


Weak bones of puppies

If you have a puppy and you take them out for frequent jogging sessions, it may not be good for their health. The reason being their weak bones. As their skeleton is still developing, the joints might not be very strong to bear the movement as in running or jogging. You should first consult the vet if you feel that your puppy wants to go out jogging with you. 


Taking your dog jogging for longer time periods will over-exert your pet and they will not be able to concentrate and play properly. It also affects their general health as they may feel weak and lethargic. 

As they say “Excess of everything is harmful”, you need to be moderate in everything you do with your pet. Avoid long sessions of jogging and running with them. Ideally, you should keep them on the leash every time you go out with them as the pets feel safe and secure while you are holding their leashes.

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