Pet Goodies Magazine

How to Take Good Care of a Pet Rabbit

How to Take Good Care of a Pet Rabbit

Nowadays, rabbits are becoming increasingly popular as pets. Nevertheless, the specific need of the rabbit must be met to enable it to live a healthy, long, and happy life. Most people who adopt rabbits as pets didn’t first research the proper way to take care of their rabbit and can end up having a rabbit with health issues.  Here’s a brief guide on how to take good care of your...

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7 Fascinating Facts About Dogs

7 Fascinating Facts About Dogs

Dogs are great pets. They are good companions and provide us with love. But, do you think you know everything about them? I bet there is far more to dogs than you know. Here are 7 fascinating facts about canines that you may have never heard of before: A Canine’s Nose Is Always Wet to Help Absorb Scent Chemicals Have you ever wondered why a dog’s nose is always wet?...

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How to Choose the Right Bed for Your Cat

How to Choose the Right Bed for Your Cat

Rest is an essential aspect that needs consideration in the life of a cat. The right bed makes it feel as homey and comfortable as possible. Unfortunately, how to choose the right bed for your cat can be a bit difficult.  Read below tips to choose the right bed for your cat. Different Kinds of Cat Beds Some cat bed options available for you to buy on the market:  Window...

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Getting a Pet Turtle - Basics You Should Know

Getting a Pet Turtle - Basics You Should Know

Turtles are gradually becoming very popular pets and if your kid has been clamouring for a pet, you may consider a turtle as an easy choice. However, before you get a pet turtle, here are some basic and interesting facts you should know. Knowing these basics will help to keep your pet turtle happy and healthy. Note that most times, people erroneously use the terms “turtle” and “tortoise” interchangeably. However,...

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