Pet Goodies Magazine

Adding a New Pet to Your Home in Australia: Must Knows

Adding a New Pet to Your Home in Australia: Must Knows

This article offers a comprehensive guide for prospective and current pet owners in Australia. It covers crucial topics such as choosing the right pet in line with Australian legislation, the importance of responsible pet ownership, including microchipping and desexing, necessary health care like vaccinations, and the role of training and socialisation.

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How Often Should You Change Your Dog's Bed? Essential Tips for Pet Owners

How Often Should You Change Your Dog's Bed? Essential Tips for Pet Owners

Discover the reasons behind and frequency of changing your dog's bed, as well as important tips and tricks to ensure your furry friend's safety, health and comfort throughout the transition. Keep reading to learn more about the nuances of canine comfort!

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Everything You Need To Know About The Different Types Of Dog Beds And Which One Is Right For Your Furry Friend

Everything You Need To Know About The Different Types Of Dog Beds And Which One Is Right For Your Furry Friend

Finding the ideal bed for your dog can be a difficult task due to the variety of options available in the marketplace; similar to how a comfortable mattress assists humans in getting a peaceful slumber, an appropriate sleeping surface is equally essential for dogs to get a good night's rest. Read on to learn more.

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Designer Dog Breeds - What are they and Which Ones are the Most Popular

Designer Dog Breeds - What are they and Which Ones are the Most Popular

Designer dog breeds are becoming more and more popular lately. But what exactly are they?  This post will help you know what designer dogs are, what makes them famous, and discover the most popular species. Let's dive in. What is a Designer Dog Breed? A designer dog is a mixed breed with more than one breed in its bloodline. So how do these mixes come about in the first place?...

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