Pet Goodies Magazine

Designer Dog Breeds - What are they and Which Ones are the Most Popular

Designer Dog Breeds - What are they and Which Ones are the Most Popular

Designer dog breeds are becoming more and more popular lately. But what exactly are they?  This post will help you know what designer dogs are, what makes them famous, and discover the most popular species. Let's dive in. What is a Designer Dog Breed? A designer dog is a mixed breed with more than one breed in its bloodline. So how do these mixes come about in the first place?...

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Which Dog Breeds Suits Which Lifestyle?

Which Dog Breeds Suits Which Lifestyle?

As dogs offer loyalty and companionship to their owners, quite a lot of people will find living difficult without one. To many, dogs are their family members. But the question is “Which Dog Breeds Suit Which Lifestyle? With different breeds of dogs and breed dispositions available, choosing the right companion or dog breeds for your lifestyle becomes simple. If you are still pondering about the dog breeds that suit your...

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