Pet Goodies Magazine

How to Choose the Right Bed for Your Cat

How to Choose the Right Bed for Your Cat

Rest is an essential aspect that needs consideration in the life of a cat. The right bed makes it feel as homey and comfortable as possible. Unfortunately, how to choose the right bed for your cat can be a bit difficult.  Read below tips to choose the right bed for your cat. Different Kinds of Cat Beds Some cat bed options available for you to buy on the market:  Window...

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6 Tips to Keep Your Indoor Cat Happy and Healthy

6 Tips to Keep Your Indoor Cat Happy and Healthy

Cats are natural hunters and love living outdoors. That’s why indoor cats have a tendency to be curious and can quickly get lazy and bored if you’re not careful. Keeping your cat indoors is a wise decision but to keep your cat healthy and happy – both physically and mentally, see our tips to keep your cat active and healthy.

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Is My Cat Overweight? Get Diet and Exercise Tips

Is My Cat Overweight? Get Diet and Exercise Tips

Does your cat look a bit pudgier or are you wondering if your kitten is overweight? But, how do you confirm if your kitten is overweight? If you are unsure whether your kitten is overweight, there is an easy way to check their size yourself, without any scale. It is a three-step process called the “Body Condition Score” according to the Cornell Feline Health Center. Here they are – Rib...

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How to Get My Kitten to Use the Litter Box?

How to Get My Kitten to Use the Litter Box?

Most grown cats will normally seek out a granular, sandy place to eliminate, but kittens may require a bit of help learning litter box habits. There are some things you can do to litter train your kitten successfully. Below are tips on how to select litter boxes, choosing the right kind of litter, where and how to place the litter boxes and how to guide your kitten to make a...

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